Phone: (778) 622-7176
Address: 980 Naramata Road, Penticton

“You start with the life you think you want, but if you’re really fortunate, end up with the life you were meant to have through a chain reaction of events”
Our estate vineyard is situated on the eastern side of Naramata Road, at the southern end of the Naramata Bench Sub-GI. With its largely western sloping aspect, this location captures the afternoon summer sun which helps to ensure optimal grape ripeness. With approximately 1,400 growing degree days, this vineyard enjoys a similar climate to Burgundy, France which produces some of the finest Chardonnay and Pinot Noir wines.
Get to Know Us
We are a small family run operation and are involved in every aspect of this operation from managing the vineyards, making wine, working in the tasting room, marketing and label design. Our production will always be small because we want to continue this hands-on approach. We like to think that our passion for wine, cycling and this amazing lifestyle will shine through in each bottle of wine.
We chose the name Chain Reaction for 3 reasons:
The chain references our love of cycling and triathlon
A chain reaction of events brought us to where we are now
A chain reaction occurs while transforming grapes into great wine!
We hope you will come visit us, hear more of our stories and taste our amazing wines!