About the Society
Discover Naramata is a non-profit, member-run Destination Marketing Organization for the community of Naramata, BC, Canada.
Discover Naramata is the primary organization with interest in coordinating destination marketing efforts for the Naramata Bench. Our role includes developing strategies in the areas of marketing and sales to promote visitation to Naramata. Discover Naramata executes targeted promotions and consumer campaigns that include online and print marketing, social media, and traditional media. Discover Naramata promotes tourism via www.discovernaramata.com, the mobile app, via various marketing initiatives, as well as alliances with other Destination Marketing Organizations and groups (includes the Visit South Okanagan tourism alliance).
The Society is governed by an industry-appointed Board of Directors and represents more than 80 businesses that comprise the local tourism economy.
Vision Statement
Discover Naramata supports the marketing and building of a destination recognized by those looking for an authentic, quality, slow travel experience and supports the community and people who make this unique destination special.
Mission Statement:
To use our collective time and skills to generate customers for our members and economic benefits for our community, while recognizing our responsibilities to residents, the environment and our guests.
Specifically, Discover Naramataβs Mission Statement is comprised of 4 primary facets:
a) To bring visitors to Naramata to eat, drink, shop, stay, play, spend, ride, paddle, hike in a sustainable manner that strives to significantly broaden the historical 12 week peak visitation period
b) To pool resources, expertise, and objectivity to develop and implement leadership and marketing strategies that support individual members while increasing overall visitation and visitor spend in Naramata.
c) To strengthen the Discover Naramata membership into a like-minded coalition of Naramata businesses, organizations and services that work together in the pursuit of a common goal.
d) To stay current, open-minded and nimble with the goal of increasing Naramataβs competitiveness and attractiveness as a top-choice destination long term.