Discover Naramata's Audio Tours wins Chiocciola Orange Award for 2024 — Discover Naramata

Discover Naramata's Audio Tours wins Chiocciola Orange Award for 2024

A Cittaslow Community is an Italian inspired and administered global network of towns that collectively resist globalization and mainstream corporate-centred development through planning and urban design that prioritizes each town’s local, unique and historic resources.

The ‘slow’ in Cittaslow concerns the idea of taking the time for quality. It represents a higher quality of life and taking the time to achieve and appreciate this quality.

Naramata was designated as a Cittaslow Community in 2006. 
We are a non-profit dedicated to creating and celebrating Naramata’s unique community. The intersection of people and place is the heart of Naramata Slow.
This group is known locally as the Naramata Slow Community Group.

Miranda Halladay, President of NaramataSlow, and Cynthia Enns, President of Discover Naramata were both on hand in Citta Sant'Angelo, Italy, to accept the award at the Annual CittaSlow Assembly .