Aaaah, the rat race. Something most of us have been or are being dragged into, whether we like it or not. Scrambling through life as days blend into weeks, into months, into "Oh no! Where's the time gone?" Balancing more than we can handle, growing up has become a circus. Before we know it, we've juggled ourselves into an older age bracket, wondering where our twenties, thirties, forties, and fifties have gone. A race to retirement, if you will.
Many would say it's good to be busy. Many more would prefer not to comment, instead closing their eyes and waiting for the rollercoaster of adulthood to end. It's a strange existence when you think about it.
We spend our younger years dreaming of growing up and having more independence, taking for granted the slower pace of childhood and adolescence when the time for fun is plentiful. Fast forward to our golden years, when life slows down, and us along with it. Once again, we're dreaming of another time. Of younger years, when we had more energy to make use of our precious time. Meanwhile, sandwiched in the middle are our years of vitality and independence. Our prime, you could say, when we have both the ability and means to enjoy life to the fullest.
But what do we do? We rush. We rush to work, the gym, our kid's tournament, the supermarket, an appointment, or a friend's house for dinner. Sure, we find time here and there to enjoy little moments along the way, but only when we can squeeze them in. The endless rush to fit it all in and take on more. Where does it stop?
Well, at the very least, it should stop during holidays—those small windows scattered throughout our busy lives when we can slow things down. But we don't.
Instead, we attack holiday plans with the vigour of a Monday morning. Our itineraries are presented to our travel companions like some militant plan for world domination. Like participants in a race having just crossed the finish line, we treat our much-anticipated vacation like a victory lap. And what's the result? A blur of memories captured on phones and SD cards that we can reflect on while scaling a mountain of laundry back home the night before the vicious cycle of busy resumes.
How many of you have heard someone say, "I need a holiday from my holiday?" How many have said it yourselves? This is your time. In an increasingly fast-paced world where being insanely busy is celebrated in much of society, holidays are that one time when we should be able to relax and have some fun. To forgo planning and organizing every waking minute, disabling morning alarms, and cruising at our own pace, phones on flight mode and minds free of worry. Easier said than done, right? Need a little help?
Introducing Naramata Slow…
As discussed previously, our stunning village is located in the heart of the Okanagan Valley. Surrounded by breathtaking landscapes and more to choose from than an all-you-can-eat buffet, Naramata has everything you need for a fun and relaxing holiday without all the over-planning and racing about. In Naramata, rather than letting the hectic pace of daily life spill over into your holidays, you'll find yourself easily influenced by this extraordinary community's slow-paced, healthier, collective mindset.
Naramata Slow was created off the backbone of Cittaslow, a concept born in Italy where life in member towns is structured around quality over quantity. Arriving in an area with more on offer than one could do in four holidays lets visitors focus on one tiny region rather than an entire country. This brilliant concept allows for itineraries to be created with ease as travel times between activities, tours, accommodations, and restaurants are like a walk in the park - in some cases, literally! The trade-off is more time to enjoy local products, learn about local initiatives and interact with, you guessed it, locals. That word, local, is the key ingredient to a Cittaslow community. Whether you live here already or are simply visiting, Naramata, as one of only four Cittaslow communities in Canada, offers the opportunity to access everything right outside your door in a more conscious and sustainable way. After all, it's a gift to live in the present.
“If you're always racing to the next moment, what happens to the one you're in?” ~ Nanette Mathews
In a Cittaslow community like Naramata, visitors can ease up on planning and incorporate a little flexibility into their trip. Imagine deciding what to do next mere moments before doing it. Much different than the strict adherence to hectic schedules we're all used to, isn't it? I'm sure many of us would agree that life was much easier when we were kids. When we focused more on what was right in front of us and made the best of things. With little to worry about, fun was the name of the game. Well, that's what holidays are supposed to be—a chance to taste a bit of that childhood freedom again and have fun!
In Naramata, you can plan a simple, enjoyable holiday in one little area. And what a beautiful area it is, I might add. By spending your holidays in a community like Naramata, you're actively supporting the Cittaslow movement and doing your part to boost the local economy, human health, and the welfare of the planet.
Naramata Train Dock
So, come to Naramata, reconnect with that inner child, slow down and have some fun. We'll see you soon!
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