A Dream Passed Through Generations…
Knowledge is generational, as is language, culture and tradition. How about dreams, though, and passion? Can they be passed down through generations? The desire to care for land that, in turn, provides. A symbiotic relationship of nurturing and nourishment, where stunning vistas, quality produce and conservation are the key ingredients to a dream now recognized. Elephant Island Winery is precisely that - a dream passed down through generations, bringing to life a vision from the past to be enjoyed in the present.
Located in Naramata Village, 1 Mill Road is more than a winery. It's a lifestyle. A commitment to care for the land and nurture the fruit it bears. A bond with the Earth and one another. Two pairs of hands. Two hearts. A passion that blossoms each year. A love that grows throughout the seasons.
The calm after the storm. Pouring water on glowing embers, the remnants of a fun evening with friends. Walking home to the beat of your own footsteps echoing off the sleeping houses lining either side of an empty street. Sliding into a warm, cozy bed, humming the evening's soundtrack before drifting off to sleep.